A Horse In The Snow

☆ January 5, 2016


Is there anything more wonderful than a horse in the snow?



It’s not 2015 anymore!

THAT is more wonderful!!

Here’s Kota, demonstrating my feelings about 2015:





{{insert lalochezia}}

Happy new year, all y’all. I’m excited. I feel inspired and enlivened, two of my favorite feelings. Both of which have felt out of reach, hanging out on the horizon, for far too long. I’m planning to share more long-form writing here each month, plus a video blog, plus smatterings between. Plus organizing this brain chaos into another book. Plus a few *BIG NEW* projects, which shall debut soon.

Thank you all so, so much for sticking with me these last two tumbling, heart-wrenching years. It’s been rough, and I’m excited to turn some of these life-whammos into creation.

It’s been a while.

What are your plans, as of now, for 2016?


50 Responses to “A Horse In The Snow”

  1. Amanda W
    January 5th, 2016 @ 9:31 am

    Go Shreve!!! Happy New Year – – Love the photos ~ EXACTLY how I feel about 2015 as well!

  2. Tanja
    January 5th, 2016 @ 9:31 am

    Glad to see you back in good form Shreve! I’ve missed you! Can’t wait to see what you’re planning as you are quite the inspiration. Good luck!

  3. Wo of PDX
    January 5th, 2016 @ 9:33 am

    Sooooooo excited to read that you’ll be doing a video blog! I’ve really missed your videos Shreve.

    Happy, Happy New Year!!!!!

  4. Rachel
    January 5th, 2016 @ 9:44 am

    LOVE these pics and the exciting announcements! Can’t wait!!!

  5. Scotty
    January 5th, 2016 @ 9:53 am

    ha haaa kota says.. bleh !

  6. annnoe
    January 5th, 2016 @ 10:17 am

    Lovely photos and I’m so happy you feel more yourself and are ready for new adventures.

    As for myself, I was partially paralyzed by a massive disc herniation five years ago and somewhere along the line I allowed that to become an excuse. Small steps (literally) but this is the year I want to change that.

    Here’s to a successful 2016 for us all. :)

  7. Val
    January 5th, 2016 @ 10:18 am

    My first post, but have been reading for a long time. So glad you’re doing better.

    I’ve had some rough years too and trying to find better ways of coping, you’re very inspiring. Lost my mom three years ago to cancer. Had 2 illnesses (actually more but that was in 2 years) and the most devastating, lost our 36 years old son, our only child suddenly, he went to bed and was gone when we got up in Sept. 2014, from heart disease. I’m trying to keep working, some days are better than others. Just want you to know I’m encouraged to see you able to overcome what you have and sound excited for the future.

  8. Janine Cate Boone
    January 5th, 2016 @ 10:22 am

    Wonderful news! The New Year holds such hope for inspiration, growth and knowledge. Myself, I am picking a very humble resolution this year. I want to decrease my carbon footprint by paying attention to my trash! I started following a blog..Trash Tossers. Makes you think about everything you buy that can’t be recycled.

  9. Katie @ Stress and Stars
    January 5th, 2016 @ 10:25 am

    The way my life has gone in 2015, I’m honestly just kind of hoping nothing particularly exciting happens at all this year. Is that terrible to think? 2015 was just such a roller coaster (the year started with my mother going through breast cancer surgery, continued with me leaving a job to start over in a whole new industry (exciting and good, but scary/stressful), my husband losing his job in July while my mother was going through chemo, my baby’s first birthday was awesome, then my father’s sudden death of a heart attack only a month after he and my mom had moved into a new house in the country) and I would really just like for the world to hold still for me for a couple of months, at least…

    I am so excited to see you put together a new book. Daily Coyote still has its place of honor on my bookshelf of favorite reads!

  10. Sheri Nugent
    January 5th, 2016 @ 10:28 am

    Yes Yes Yes! Looking forward to another year of Farmily adventures!

  11. Patr
    January 5th, 2016 @ 10:38 am

    2016 – Already bad. :( Please more posts to help this depression that has me.

  12. carol
    January 5th, 2016 @ 10:56 am

    keep the photos and writings coming.

  13. Karyn
    January 5th, 2016 @ 11:17 am

    2015 was a pretty difficult, transitional year for me also, releasing lots of things, people, places. While there are still a few unresolved things hanging on, I am looking forward to moving forward.

    For me that includes trying to once again re-create myself, and find a way to make a living that feeds my soul. I am a “multi-potentiate” (look it up on TED talks, it’s great, and you are one too!) so finding an area to focus on is a challenge. Camera? Writing? People mediation? That old fallback, accounting (ugh! but gotta eat). It’s a whole new year and a whole new focus! Bring it on!

  14. Susie Brandt
    January 5th, 2016 @ 11:19 am

    Hallo. Hallo. Hallo. (That’s Bri-ish for hello). Hello new year. Hello fresh start. Hello myriad chances. Hello possibility. Let’s go, go go. (I like threes). Hello energy. Hello smiles. Hello love. There’s love to be had. Let’s go get it. Hello new life (going to be a grandma come June). Woop, woop, woop. I going to act as if it were spring, just because I like it. Many blessings to be experienced. Cyber cheers to Wyoming.

  15. Jacquelyn
    January 5th, 2016 @ 11:26 am

    Yay for creation! Maybe it’s something in the air for 2016… I’m feeling the bug to get back into the creative mode too. It’s great to hear you are feeling inspired again!

  16. Barbara R~
    January 5th, 2016 @ 11:30 am

    Today I learned my sometimes salty language is actually a homeopathic cure – awesome. : )

    Here’s hoping 2016 is kinder to all of us.

  17. mj
    January 5th, 2016 @ 11:39 am

    Kota is beautiful and his expressions about 2015 sum up the way I’ve been feeling at the end of 2015 and currently. Three weeks before the end of the year my right shoulder was wrenched for me (long story) and I wrenched left knee. I’ve been losing range of motion in my right arm daily (seeing doc tomorrow) and have been relying on my left arm to do more of the work…which would be ok if it wasn’t the survivor of rotator cuff surgery 12 years ago and it is letting me know the extra work isn’t appreciated. I’m trying to remain active but keeping a positive attitude was been a bit of a trial with constant pain…and extreme stiffness especially in the morning. I am usually positive and upbeat and I am not liking the bummer feeling I have. I know lots of people have things much worse…but that doesn’t seem to help me kick the feeling. I’m looking forward to your renewed energy (maybe it will rub off). thank you for the wonderful pictures and encouraging words…they really do lift the spirits of many of your readers.

  18. Nikki
    January 5th, 2016 @ 12:27 pm

    Love the photos! Are they for sale? Is the other horse Ranger?

  19. Heidi
    January 5th, 2016 @ 12:43 pm

    Fantabulous! So glad there is a shift in the air for you. I love, love Susie Brandt’s comment. Yes to positivity!

  20. Felyne
    January 5th, 2016 @ 1:19 pm

    That’s what I was wondering too, Nikki.

    I’ve never been a ‘goals’ kind of person but the bullet journal community is swaying me, so 2016 is the year that I’m going to set a couple and work towards then. Always something new, right?

  21. bonnie
    January 5th, 2016 @ 1:35 pm

    i’m soo glad that you are feeling up! i’m happy for you and for all of us too, because we will all reap the rewards of your happiness. :) my last three winters have been really hard, so right now i’m just focusing on peace and inner renewal. some new opportunities are appearing on the horizon, so i’m looking forward to rolling into them as the year unfolds. happy new year to all !!

  22. Dogmom
    January 5th, 2016 @ 1:52 pm

    I just retired from a 32-year career in the courts. Right now I’m culling stuff and packing for a big move from California to Arizona to be closer to my sister. Housesitting until spring, selling my house. New life coming and I’m very excited too. So happy that you are feeling better. Peace and contentment are waiting for you, Shreve. I’m so looking forward to your new projects. You are a light to so many, and I’m sorry it’s been so dark for you. Blessed be.

  23. Deb
    January 5th, 2016 @ 1:59 pm

    Love, love, love your way with words & nothing else I can say about that. Eloquently apt!
    Inspired by your … a song coming on “Enlivened Feeling, oooh that enlivened feeling, you feel enlivened and you’re inspiring all of us …” [to the tune of Loving Feeling}
    Looks like I’m starting up a business this year. Quite the adventure for me. Starting with Pet Sitting, learning dog training by request & need of squirrely dog in the city. Behaviour modification (otherwise this is okay with me, that is not), animal physiotherapy and Tellington-Touch. Phew. Of course, likely only Pet Sitting and a bit of training this year. We’ll see how this one goes!

  24. Torchy Hunter
    January 5th, 2016 @ 2:03 pm

    To me, the ADD and indecision about using which talent, exactly? Horrified at how bad ’15 was, from politics, war, hate, prejudice, etc. Somewhere on line you can buy a rock that has “Begin Again” engraved on it. That sounds like ’16 to me. Slate clean. Get self in gear to actually sit down and make the jewelry friends (and maybe customers) like. Or like the little labels I have posted at eye level around the house: Choose Happiness. Happpy New Year to all of us as we begin again.

  25. Holly
    January 5th, 2016 @ 2:49 pm

    Such beautiful pictures Shreve…so very happy that everything is has come together for you and you are feeling like your self again. Happy New Year, and I look forward to your posts and blog in this new year. Keep up your good work, as I look forward to reading every day how life is down in your part of the country. Each new year is a blank book of 365 pages with which we all write our own stories. I have enjoyed your “books” since the beginning, when Charlie was just a wee little pup. Once again, Happy New Year.

  26. Carol K
    January 5th, 2016 @ 4:28 pm

    You have had a difficult time, but have come smiling through. We all love your upbeat attitude and hope it is contagious! So many problems out there and I’m not going to list mine. Just hopeful that things don’t get worse!!
    A healthy and happy new year to you all.

  27. Sandy G.
    January 6th, 2016 @ 1:52 am

    Hilarious and on-point photos of the beautiful horse and its expressions of 2015. My sentiments exactly–I’ve had a bad, sickly 2015 also, and am really hoping that 2016 will be much better for me, as well as FOR YOU! I’m so glad you have stuck with us during these very difficult times for you! We all care for you and wish you a wonderful, productive, and healthy new year in 2016. You go, girl!

  28. Claudia
    January 6th, 2016 @ 3:21 am

    What a beautiful horse. I totally loved the pictures. Thank you for sharing. Made my day.
    Here’s to 2016 being a year of good health and happiness.

  29. Eileen Fritz
    January 6th, 2016 @ 7:22 am

    Love, love, love the photos! Happy New Year to you, Shreve!!

  30. Cassie
    January 6th, 2016 @ 7:43 am

    Pics of Kota are fabulous. Love them. They are happy.

    Happy New Year to you!

  31. Marg
    January 6th, 2016 @ 11:13 am

    Your photography always inspires me and these pics are wonderful. Not sure I like that last one because he looks mean but then again we all need a “don’t mess with me” look some days. Keep the ball of happiness rolling Shreve and we’ll chase it. All the best.

  32. shreve
    January 6th, 2016 @ 12:32 pm

    M ~ ha, to me the bottom one says “I just got shit on (metaphorically) and I don’t like it”

    yes, the blond is Ranger!

    hugs to all <3

  33. mlaiuppa
    January 6th, 2016 @ 1:48 pm

    Is that horse catching snowflakes on his tongue?

    Man, look at the muscles on that horse. If I were a horse I’d be thinking wooo that is one sexy horse.

    Plans? Yardwork. Housecleaning. Pool aerobics. Watercolor class.

  34. Theresa Szpila
    January 6th, 2016 @ 4:33 pm

    Love Kota’s comments on 2015.
    Love Ranger’s serenity promising good for 2016!

    For the most part, 2015 wasn’t great for me or mine, but ended on up notes and new beginnings for many of us, me included.

    After selling the house and moving into a lovely apartment in a building with an elevator (thank you, God!), I ended the year with cataract surgery on my right eye ~ yippee! I can really see! Surgery on the left eye is scheduled for January 15th. I can’t wait! Hard to believe that after a lifetime of being blind-as-a-bat, I will end up with perfect vision as the end result of two cataracts that have diminished my sight for so long. Sweet. So, Shreve, I’m with you and Ranger ~ I believe 2016 is going to be a good year!

    Hugs and blessings,

  35. leah in Indiana
    January 6th, 2016 @ 11:29 pm

    Enchanting imagery and sentiment!

  36. Bo Thunér
    January 7th, 2016 @ 5:45 am

    Joy can come in a lot of different forms, for me and for you I guess, the creative joy ( skaparglädje) is the fundament of a happy life.

    I wish a good coming year !

    LOVE from me to all of you.

    Bo Thunér in Sweden.

  37. Karen
    January 7th, 2016 @ 10:43 am

    Happy New Year!!! My 2016 has not started well, but my enthusiasm is still accessible to me about this new year.

    I want to jump around, hop and run and maybe do some cartwheels while I’m at it. I’ve been conforming to my un-natural state for too long. The city, work and friends with difficult problems have aided in me losing myself, my joy. Let us frolic!

  38. Wyoming Lover
    January 7th, 2016 @ 12:04 pm

    Happy you’re back! There is nothing better than horses in snow, you’re right.
    My goals our to have a baby(in the next 11 days or so) and continue my business as a care provider. My husband is leaving for a six month internship in February so big things are on the horizon for us.

  39. Taryn
    January 7th, 2016 @ 2:18 pm

    Happy New Year, Shreve! I am glad you are feeling so upbeat about 2016. I think if we did a poll, the majority would say 2015 was a crappy year. It certainly wasn’t one of my favorites! I look forward to seeing what you will be up to. Best wishes for a fresh, happy new year!

  40. ELAINE ~ TX
    January 8th, 2016 @ 10:11 am

    Happy New Year, Shreve & Farmily!! Always love your pictures and stories.

    My plan is to be happy and healthy (and all my pets) in 2016 and make lots of quilts, pillows and crafts for a couple of charities this year so they can fund raise to help the animals. Listen to LOTS of audio books, read when I have time, have fun with friends making memories and learn how to tune into my psychic skills more and ENJOY all life has to offer!

  41. Ruth
    January 8th, 2016 @ 4:51 pm

    Yay, another book by Shreve!! I echo Elaine’s words from TX. Thx for keeping your blog going.

  42. torre
    January 8th, 2016 @ 11:20 pm

    happy new year to ya’ll! i totally agree with Kota’s view of 2015 LOL

    i am so happy that you are getting your energy back

    for 2016, i’m working on work/life balance and pushing back on schedules more. i need to work on some medical issues and solve a unique housing issue with having sensitivities to chemicals. and knit and hike!

  43. kelli
    January 9th, 2016 @ 9:04 am

    2015 began in wonderful ways and ended with heartache, disallusionment and a prescription for anti-depressants. so. i’m not sorry to see the ass end of it either…

    2016 is a self-love and re-evaluation year. I am in the midst of a bathroom remodel that will give me a soaking tub, something that i have wanted for years. i plan on getting out into nature more, exercising more, and spending time with friends more. all great stuff.

    i hope your year is everything you hope for it.

  44. Prairie girl
    January 9th, 2016 @ 9:39 pm

    Yep! You’re all fired up! Yahoo, come on!
    Write that book! Keep feeling good. Ride that horse!
    Come on!
    Can’t wait to see what’s around the bend for you.
    Seriously. I love Kota. Do you still have Ranger?

  45. Deborah
    January 10th, 2016 @ 9:05 am

    To borrow from Adele, “Hallo from the other side.”

    I love how your horse seems to eating snowflakes. Horses are as playful as dogs, aren’t they?

    Wishing you all good things in 2016.

  46. shreve
    January 10th, 2016 @ 1:18 pm

    PG ~ yes, the first pics are of Ranger, the crazy ones are of Kota :)

  47. Suzette
    January 11th, 2016 @ 3:22 pm

    Glad you’re feeling better! Hope you have a good year.
    Is it going to be a good year for those of us in Arizona — will we be on the delivery path for Star Brand meat again? My husband was just saying this weekend how much he enjoyed and missed the mini-angus meat (we found a forgotten package of soup bones from 2014 remaining in the freezer and made up some wonderful, and meaty, soup).

  48. Patricia A. Long
    January 14th, 2016 @ 7:33 pm

    I really like the wonderful horse photos! I am happy that you are feeling energetic and full of creative ideas!
    As for myself, I have no real resolutions for 2016–just to continue to live each day the best I can.

  49. Julia
    January 19th, 2016 @ 1:20 pm

    I am currently waiting to hear back to see what university wants me for my PhD in philosophy. I applied to 8 different US schools, including Arizona in Tucson. It would be an amazing change and opportunity to study in the US for 5 years, even with the Canadian dollar in the toilet. At least as a teaching assistant on a student visa, they would pay me in US dollars! I probably won’t know until March or even April. So I’ll keep busy and keep doing yoga in the meantime.

  50. Patricia Thomas
    February 13th, 2016 @ 8:20 am

    Dear Shreve, I’m new here. Just finished your book, “The Dailey Coyote” which I loved. May I be nosy and ask if you are still living in the rental and still with Mike?
    I think you are an extremely brave person and I’m amazed at the things you have accomplished.

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