For Realz?
And the winner is….
I could watch this all day long. Sometimes, I don’t even watch the sea lions – I just gaze at the sunlight glinting off the water. After running around in a tank top yesterday for a few blissful midday hours, I woke this morning to a blizzard, several inches of new snow, zero visibility. What I’d give to get flipped off a dock by a sea lion.
THANKYOU to everyone who left a link, gif, video, or joke! The comment section turned out to be a wonderful place to return to last week, over and over again, for so, so, so many laughs.
* * *
In other news, elk antler chew toys are back in the Shop.
Also, CISPA passed the House last week. If you’re unfamiliar with CISPA, THIS is a good starting place. If you’d like to contact your senators, phone numbers and talking tips can be found HERE and HERE.
Celebrating Six
It’s giveaway time!
Charlie and I had birthdays last week, and in honor of Charlie turning SIX, I’m putting together a Wyoming care package to send off to one of you.
This weather is getting me DOWN, so let’s have some fun. Leave a comment or a link to a funny gif to enter the giveaway, and whoever makes me laugh the longest and hardest will WIN!
Don’t stress – I’m a natural blond, so it doesn’t take much to crack me up. (if you link to a gif, only link to ONE or your comment will get eaten by my spam filter)
Wyoming Tough
Just an April (snow) shower.
Don’t pity Frisco ~
I slept with my door open the night of this snow dump.
We’re tough out here.
The story of the gray baby…
It’s kind of a convoluted story, so bear with me. Last summer, some friends of ours – a newly married couple – wanted to start ranching and bought three cows, and asked if they could put their cows with ours for the summer so they wouldn’t have to buy a bull. We said of course. They soon found that buying ranch land is a nearly impossible feat, and so we have kept their cows here with us ever since.
One of them is this white cow, a charolais; one of them is the holstein pictured here; and the third is a darling mongrel cow – she’s white with a few black splotches and tiny horns. I’ve named them Blinky, Pinky, and Inky, respectively. They were all bred with our black angus heifer bull, Billy. And Blinky, the white charolais, had this gray calf. Black + White = Gray, who knew!
We have never seen a gray cow or calf before (generally, people who run charolais cows also have charolais bulls), but we believe she will remain gray – it will be so fun to watch her grow up. She’s quite a star around here, already. If our friends decide to throw in the towel, ranch-wise, we’ll most certainly buy these cows and their calves, but in the meantime, we get to live with them. And we don’t need to own them to love them.
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