☆ October 21, 2014
….and winter is comin’ ~ all the spiders are moving inside….
Here & There & Everywhere
☆ October 6, 2014
Ahoy, Internet! It’s been a while. I’m glad I entertained and/or puzzled some of you with my shadow self portrait. (It was very simply done: just me, standing in the driveway with the sun behind me and Chloe sitting in my shadow. Phone pic, no manipulation, just a cool moment.
This is the hat.)
The Tetons, from the back portal of a plane.
My BFF is very sick in Seattle and I’ve spent 22 of the past 35 days out there. My time in airports has been practically nonexistent for the past ten years, and I’ve been surprised and delighted by the all-around wonderfulness of the people I’ve encountered in transit. A welcome contradiction to my memory – TSA agents (angelic! no sarcasm!) and fellow travelers enhanced and enlivened what would otherwise be rather doldrum days at best.
I also hit the Northwest at its best, weather-wise. When we were teenagers, my BFF described the Seattle climate as “living in a big gray dog’s asshole.” When you really let yourself think about it, she’s right. But September is the exception, made of mild sun filtering through pines and gentle breezes carrying the scent of kelp and just a little bit of rain here and there, offering the excuse for a wood fire.
I arrived home from my most recent trip on Friday, and after an epic love relay from the Farmily (who were doted on by Mike during my time away), I cleaned and sorted the week’s awesome egg bounty for the Farmer’s Market and harvested tomatoes from the garden, salvaging what I could from this strange season. While I was gone, Mike put the roof on the barn. It is gorgeous! We put up the corral yesterday, and Sir Baby is the first barn resident (after quality control from Daisy, of course). More on that soon, once I take pictures.
Today, I head into town to look at proofs for the 2015 Charlie Calendar! If all goes to plan, it will hit the press mid-month and be ready for you at the end of October. I know I say this every year, but this year’s calendar is my all-time favorite. I’ll post updates here, along the way…..
Hot day, big hat, good dog.
☆ September 21, 2014
Barn Progress
☆ September 15, 2014
the skeleton of a building
peeled pine trees for the exposed beams
Mike’s gorgeous star braces
it’s so beautiful without walls or roof
The vertical posts down the center are temporary test supports; we jack them up with a truck jack to see if they are bearing weight and whether we need to add real load-bearing posts. So far, no.
One Misty Moisty Morning
☆ September 15, 2014