This, That, & the Other
☆ October 27, 2015
My nasopharynx was deflowered last week. After huffing a numbing solution that tasted like diesel and wasn’t particularly effective, a long tube with a light and camera on the end of it was sent up my nose and down my throat by my laryngologist so she could see my vocal cords live and in action. I get to do this again tomorrow, with the added bonus of gigantic needles! My doc will send the camera back up my nose and down my throat, then go straight into my neck with said needles, and, with the aid of the live video, inject the musculature behind my left vocal cord to poof it up. Hopefully, this will help me talk longer, louder, and more easily. It’s craaaaazy how much I took my voice for granted before all this.
Charlie calendars are coming!! They really are. I’m still running behind in every aspect of life, but the 2016 Charlie Calendar is at my printer and I’ll have previews and the shop listing up next week. Stay tuned! And thanks for your patience. It’s a little bit late but as fabulous as ever.
Thanks, also, for all the Eli love. I cannot believe I have to actually type the following, but: Charlie did not kill Eli. Got a lot of Qs about this. They lived together for nearly a decade; if that can’t squash the cynicism, what can?
To end on a more frivolous note…. my latest Netflix binge is The Great British Baking Show. It’s the antithesis of Top Chef (which I also love). It’s so friendly and polite, though the matriarch judge makes a spectacular WTF face, and she makes it often. It’s full of strange bakes such as three-tiered pork-prune pie. The tiers, here, not meaning layers within one pie but three giant stacked pies, like a wedding cake of savory pie. Sounds disgusting to me, but it’s fun to watch.
King Kitten
☆ October 19, 2015
I knew, when I posted a picture of Mushy on Instagram, I’d get a question about Eli. I also felt a twinge of weirdness when I posted, a couple of weeks ago, that everyone in the Farmily is doing great. It’s true – everyone here is great. But Eli isn’t here anymore. I am really having a hard time with this – even though it happened a while ago, this is honestly the first moment I’ve had it in me to acknowledge it here. And that’s as far as I can go right now – just acknowledging it. I have a lot written which isn’t ready for public consumption, but when it is, I’ll share it. For now, I’m just going to cry again.
4 Roosters, 2 Hens
☆ October 13, 2015
Try as I might, I could not get all four roosters in the same frame. They are currently figuring out their pecking order and are very hyperactive. But there are four of them, and they are identical! They will remain part of the Farmily.
The four yellow chicks all became roosters and the two black chicks grew into hens – one solid black, like their mothers, and one brindle. They are so pretty.
So, at this moment, there are/were 191 comments on the chicken contest post – of those, 15 had the correct answer. I added up the numbers attached to each correct comment and the sum was 1513. 1+5+1+3 = 10. AND, when I added up the numbers of each correct comment (comment 63: 6+3=9, comment 111: 1+1+1=3, etc) and then added those numbers together, the sum was 136. 1+3+6 = 10 again! KIM (comment #10) you are the winner! I’ll be emailing you directly.
Thanks for playing, one and all! Now accepting chicken names in the comment section…….
The Sky Is Like A Song Right Now
☆ October 6, 2015
Catch Up & A Chicken Contest
☆ September 28, 2015
Ahoy! I started a new dose of thyroid meds about ten days ago and am finally feeling RIGHT. It’s so nice. It’s so easy! Every day is no longer a battle, as it has felt for the past six months. I wake up smiling again, like I used to. I am so glad.
I did find out that one of my vocal cords is paralyzed due to nerve trauma during surgery. The nerve is not severed, so it’s possible it will heal and my voice will come back. In the meantime, I am scheduled for a temporary fix: an injection of collagen right into the vocal cord. This plumps it up enough to move the cord to the midline, so the other working vocal cord can meet it and make strong sounds – right now, there is an air gap, which is why my voice is weak and breathy. It’s a simple office procedure and, like a Real Housewife’s face, it’s temporary – the collagen will eventually be absorbed by the body. At that time, I’ll know if the nerve has healed or if I need to repeat the injection or have a permanent procedure done.
One of the boons of my lengthy recuperation has been the chance to devour a giant stack of books. I just finished I Am Malala. INCREDIBLE. So riveting, so profoundly beautiful, so worth your time if you’ve not read it yet. (The audio version is great, too).
The Farmily is excellent, everyone is peaceful and happy and well. Maia has become mother of the year, always doting and protective, and Luna is thriving. And the chicks are nearly grown up! I always wondered how many would be roosters and how many would be hens, and it is almost clear. In about two weeks, I think we will know for sure who is what. In the meantime, let’s bet!
There are six little birds in total – how many will be hens and how many will be roosters? Leave your guess in the comment section. The correct answer will win one of my special Wyoming care packages, filled with treasures made by Mother Nature and me.
If multiple people guess the correct rooster:hen ratio, all names from that group
will be raffled randomly to select the winner – so go with your gut!
Photo taken June 27. They are much bigger now.