Flashback, Book Update, & Open Call for Qs

This picture! A gift from the past, one of the never-seen-before photos from deep in the archives. Look at that belly!! More treasures like this in the book.

Speaking of, the book is booming! I’m totally blown away by the response, so excited to bring this to life. Page count is up to 175 and rising. More books ordered = more pages for everyone. Yeehaw!

Printing and bindery will be done in the great land of WYOMING! The magic will happen at a huge custom print shop in Cheyenne (my book will be printed on a Heidelberg press that is just slightly larger than my cabin), with my local print shop acting as liaison. I’m so thrilled to keep the print work local – not just in the USA (most big print jobs are done in China), but in the state Charlie and I call home.

I’ve gone through every single raw file of every photo I’ve taken in the past ten years and my eyes are really sore and my first edit is a whopping 6924 photos (for reference, the Daily Coyote blog is home to about 3000 images). I must now narrow those 6924 photos down to a few hundred. HOW???

I’m going to have a Q&A page(s?) in the book and I’m taking questions NOW. Leave them in the comment section, yours might make the book!

And, in case you’ve missed it, the book trailer and all the book info is HERE. Reminder: this book is limited edition and is PRE-ORDER ONLY. I will not be printing extra copies! So: place your order by September or miss out forever. You can order your book HERE!

To Bee!


The Farmily grew by ten thousand members this weekend. I became a bee guardian, initiate bee priestess.

Mike and I built a top bar hive, and I introduced the bees to their new home on Sunday. It was intense. It was a totally psychedelic experience. I laughed out loud, I cried, I felt the truth of the universe. I watched a bee dance, I watched a bee die. I got sick of wearing gloves so I took them off, and a bee landed on my hand, and bathed herself. Bees wash their faces like cats, with their front feet and tongue, did you know that? I did not know that, until I watched it happen on my forefinger, inches from my face.

They say not to open the hive for three days, to give the bees time to settle in without disruption. It has been so hard not to open the top and peek in! I resist, and I sit by the entrance and watch the bees fly in and out. They are carrying pollen in, which apparently means the queen is alive and all is well. I listen to the walls of the hive with my stethoscope and it is BUZZING in there. Another good sign. Tomorrow afternoon, I shall peek in.

Valley Girl

valley girl

Horses Making Snow Angels

A video posted by Shreve Stockton (@dailycoyote) on

A video posted by Shreve Stockton (@dailycoyote) on

Snippets: Mid-Winter Edition

I feel like I’ve been on a zipline since mid-December, sailing along, hyper-stimulated and entranced by a rush of things I’ve never seen before, high from a rush of adrenaline, having a grand ol’ time. And then it stops and you’re so far from where you started in no time at all, and… it’s the middle of January??

I long to get rid of clocks and calendars. Life would be way less stressful if we weren’t constantly told where we happen to land in this convention called time. I feel I have accomplished so much in the past six weeks – epic, life changing stuff (some of which I’ll share here) – but when I look at a calendar and put myself in the context of “mid-January,” I get panicked and feel behind.

Ivan thinks he’s a dog. He thinks he’s the biggest, baddest, toughest dog. He eats anything. He climbs everything. He thinks it’s great fun to run alongside Chloe, leap into the air with paws outstretched, and latch around her neck. Another favorite game of his is batting and punching Charlie’s face… from opposite sides of a window. Charlie seems to think it’s just adorable – though Ivan hasn’t tried this without the window between them.

When I’m in the kitchen getting the canine dinner ready, the pooches line up in a row, sitting at attention, eagerly waiting for me to hand it over. Ivan bites their wagging tails, then sits in their midst, poised and patient, waiting for his portion of the dog dinner.

He has the paws of a mountain lion:

A photo posted by Shreve Stockton (@dailycoyote) on

I have just 10 Charlie calendars left! {EDIT: Those 10 sold out in minutes of this post, so I’ve had one more very small print run produced! I’m so glad everyone is loving this calendar, it’s my favorite yet and I don’t want anyone to miss out} And about 20 of the Wyoming calendar (filled with cute animals + a dash of cowboys). The print quality is so great, you can tear this calendar in to pieces, forget the grid of days, and frame the art. That’s what I’m going to do! Get yours HERE.

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