Do cows smile?
Yes. Often while meditating.
Running Errands
What a difference a day makes.
photo taken Saturday | photo taken Sunday
Spring has touched down.
A Thousand Thanks
Picking the care package recipient was not remotely scientific ~ I asked Mike to pick a number between 1 and 456. He said 221. Maggie, I’ll be emailing you for your mailing address!
When I wrote the contest post, I left the comment guidelines completely open, thinking ‘whatever words are left for me are what I need to hear.’ I was not expecting so much kindness. I needed to hear it. Thank you all.
* * Winter Giveaway! * *
Leave a comment!
Win treasures!
It’s easy!
{I should write more but it’s beautiful outside and I want to be dashing through the snow.
I’ll pick a random number on THURSDAY and get this care package
with over $100 worth of Wyoming treasures in the mail Thursday afternoon!
Tell me something, anything, in the comment section and you’re entered to wiiiiin}
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