Love Child
Our first calf of the year was born….
on Valentines Day!
Every year, I forget how tiny they are when they’re born.
{ 75 pounds is tiny for a cow }
It’s a boy.
And so it begins!
Snow Angel
Such a hound.
I felt like I belonged in the dog house on Friday ~ after spending the morning hunched over my computer with my web saint dealing with tech on the Daily Coyote, I had to race to town for a meeting and then threw myself into outside chores. After the stressy morning, I had no desire to be on the computer, but when I chuckled to myself about how I was touching a lot of (elk) hearts, I zipped inside and tweeted about it. And then I glanced at my twitter stream and learned about the school shooting. And felt like a total ass. A bunch of people unfollowed me which is completely understandable, but even more emailed me to ask for the full story behind my elk heart touching. So here it is.
I always thought hunting season was a brief period in October, but that’s not really the case. There are specific dates for different game species, and archery season opens earlier than rifle season, and different areas open and close at different times, and there’s actually quite a lot of nuance. And while bull elk season is a brief period in October and the first days of November, cow elk season extends through December. If someone has a license for a bull elk (male), but doesn’t get one, the license will also cover a cow elk (female). And, while a hunter may only get one bull elk license per season, they may also get a cow license. This is, generally, only done by Wyoming residents who are feeding families and Farmilies, because out-of-state (ie, non-resident) elk licenses are around $800 each while in-state elk licenses are around $40 each. Mike got a bull elk during hunting season (bull elk hunting season, that is), but a few of his friends did not, and were hoping to get cow elk. And Mike had a cow license as well.
Since many people are only interested in the muscle meat of their wild game, Mike is in the habit of bringing me the organs. Liver is Chloe’s favorite food, and heart is Charlie’s. On Friday, Mike and a few friends went hunting and all got elk. And Mike brought me a large pile of hearts and livers. I washed and wrapped them ~ this time, not only for C&C, but for myself as well. I’ve heard heart is really, really good, and my only hang-up with eating it myself is a conditioned one. I don’t want to be governed by conditioning; I want to see if I like it or not. I’m also saving a liver for myself because, though I do think the sight, smell and taste of liver is disgusting – no conditioning about that – I hear raw liver is great for the skin and I am vain enough to test this out. I’ll let you know if my skin looks like a teenager’s by spring.
Jumping back to the beginning: I don’t know how to write anything regarding the school shooting (apologies for not using a euphemism, like “Connecticut,” but I do not think that is appropriate, this needs to be called what it is); my feelings and thoughts are not in publishable form… However, if anyone wants or needs the space to discuss it, or to put their feelings “out there,” feel free to do so here.
Nano Fail (But Not Really)
So, even though November felt like it was 400 years long, I did not get 50K words written for Nanowrimo. I wrote about 35,000 words. But I also reworked my plot in a major way, solving what had been a serious structural problem, so I’m thrilled about that. And Nano got me back into my book after 4+ months away, and it was downright fun, so, all in all, I consider the endeavor a success and one of the highlights of a dense and intense month. Now to maintain that momentum and accelerate through December! I shall scale that cliff and dive into the blue….
Winter + Winner
There were only ten little icicles on my house this morning (there haven’t been any for a week) but they broke into many, many pieces and a noisy V of geese flew by as I knocked them down… 182/Taylor, nature picked you!
Massive thanks to everyone ~
the week off was restorative to body and spirit; your words, to heart.