Cloaca Riot

☆ May 6, 2014

First, a long-overdue ovation to your band name suggestions! Brilliant. Hilarious. I will be using them all when referring to the chickies from now on. Thank you for the laughs – I’m in awe of your brains.

The Bawking Heads are still living in a 3′ x 5′ crate in my bathroom, but they are on the verge of outgrowing that, too. When the weather is beautiful, I’ve been moving them outside – first, for just a few hours, and, most recently, all day. I built covers for some of my raised beds last year, and have taken one out of the garden to use as a temporary OeufSpring habitat. This way, they can safely get accustomed to the outside world with plenty of room to stretch their wings. They love it.

Chloe loves it, too. She is obsessed with chickens. She doesn’t chase our free-roaming hens and has never tried to nab one; her actions are best described as “following chickens closely.” When the Fustercluck is outside, she will stand beside their enclosure, her nose inches away from the chicken wire, for HOURS.


It’s almost time for Cheep Trick to permanently move outside. I’m going to miss their songs coming from my bathroom.

Rainbow in the distance

☆ April 30, 2014

rainbow in the distance

Love The One You’re With

☆ April 26, 2014


Remember Oreo? She had her first baby this past week! It was a very difficult birth and we had to take her to town for emergency surgery, so she and her calf are in the corral for extra special care. Oreo is recuperating well, but she is still in pain and not making as much milk as she would under perfect conditions, so I am supplementing her calf with Daisy’s milk (I have many, many gallons frozen for instances such as this).

He nurses Oreo, then finishes up with a bottle from me. I filmed it for you. Warning: my video skillz still suck, and, as a precaution against eardrums shattered by my baby-talk, do turn down your volume. You’ll still hear the beautiful sandhill cranes about halfway through. Note his swishing tail as he drinks – all calves do this and it’s so cute! They also headbutt the udder to bring more milk down, and he does this to the bottle as well.

oreosbaby from daily coyote on Vimeo.

We Need A Band Name

☆ April 17, 2014


I could use some laughs.  And you all are the cleverest.

So name my band of punk chicks!

One Week Later

☆ April 14, 2014

I planted seeds. I planted one tray the day after he died and another tray the following Friday. They’re under lights in my bathroom which has a constant ambient temperature of 80°F, thanks to the heat light for the chickies – who have outgrown their cardboard box and now roam a very large wooden crate. The headdresses of the Polish crested are in full punk rock mode – pictures coming soon. The only time I feel truly OK right now is when I’m hanging out in the bathroom, feeding the chickies from my hand or misting the emerging sprouts. New life, and all that. It’s gentle and hopeful. Thank you all, so much, for your comments and emails over this past week. They have helped me more than I ever expected and more than you will ever know.

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