Sandhill Cranes
☆ May 13, 2013
Shark Whisperer
☆ May 8, 2013
Ocean Ramsey can hold her breath for nearly six minutes –
while swimming with Great White sharks.
From her site: “Many people fear sharks and have unfortunately only seen them portrayed on TV and in films as mindless man-eating machines. In truth, sharks are intelligent, calculated and generally very cautious about approaching humans. More importantly, sharks play a vital role in maintaining a healthy ocean ecosystem. Many people are unaware that sharks are being over-fished to the point of extinction. As the Sengalese environmentalist Baba Dioum said, “In the end people will only protect what they love, and only love what they understand.” I hope that by sharing my experiences with sharks I might inspire others to take action and help protect these amazing creatures before it’s too late.”
Check out Water Inspired for spectacular underwater photos and more about shark conservation.
For Realz?
☆ May 1, 2013
A Face Full of Sunshine
☆ April 30, 2013
I was going through old photos this morning and came upon this image of Fiona when she was a baby and had to re-post. Such sweetness….
Computer issues are contributing to the lack of recent posts… apologies!
And the winner is….
☆ April 22, 2013
I could watch this all day long. Sometimes, I don’t even watch the sea lions – I just gaze at the sunlight glinting off the water. After running around in a tank top yesterday for a few blissful midday hours, I woke this morning to a blizzard, several inches of new snow, zero visibility. What I’d give to get flipped off a dock by a sea lion.
THANKYOU to everyone who left a link, gif, video, or joke! The comment section turned out to be a wonderful place to return to last week, over and over again, for so, so, so many laughs.
* * *
In other news, elk antler chew toys are back in the Shop.
Also, CISPA passed the House last week. If you’re unfamiliar with CISPA, THIS is a good starting place. If you’d like to contact your senators, phone numbers and talking tips can be found HERE and HERE.
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